v1.13 Main Talk thread

Söldnertreffpunkt für alle Themen rund um "Jagged Alliance 2" und den Nachfolger "Unfinished Business".

Moderator: Flashy

Bei Tony Rumsteher
Beiträge: 56
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Beitrag von Kaiden » 08 Nov 2005, 14:38

Mugsy found and fixed the sniper code, and Snap just found the IMP problem and fixed it.

So it looks like there will be a release here very soon. Possibly tonight, or tommorrow.

Unfortunately, I didn't do much this release. So all the thanks should go to Snap and Mugsy. All I did was get the editor to compile, so it could be released as-is, and allow Personalities and attitudes for IMP's again.

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Beitrag von KillerFaultier » 08 Nov 2005, 16:15

allright, thats good news then! at least one mostly stable release with the biggest bugs fixed should be quite fine. even if there is not much news, but at least it should be playable.

maybe it is stable enough to allow some mods like vengeance to be converted to this release? there should be enough time until the next release for the modders to do some work with this as a base.

@ Kaiden: everything anyone does for the 1.13 is good and appreciated, no matter how big or small the part is. i think there will be countless possibilities in the future for everybody who wants to play his part in this project, because there is so much to do if only half of the wishes of the community are to be realised.
do you agree with me that the 1.13 project is still far from beeing complete?

btw. how about some insiderinfo on the actual topics the coders are working on at the present and in the near future?
das KillerFaultier - tödlichstes nicht-raubtier von allen! :hackman:

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Beitrag von -=[MAD]=- » 09 Nov 2005, 20:52

KillerFaultier hat geschrieben:maybe it is stable enough to allow some mods like vengeance to be converted to this release? there should be enough time until the next release for the modders to do some work with this as a base.
dont you think the modders havent to do enough? it wouldnt be good if they do unimportant work quiet now

in german: Glaubst du nicht, dass die leute im Moment nicht genug zu tun haben? Es wär völlig sinnlos, das vorhandene potential mit einem weiteren projekt zu belasten
[der text in deutsch soll nur gewährleisten, dass ihr mich auch richtig versteht, ich weiss ja nicht ob das lesbar ist was ich da oben geschrieben hab :red: ]

and, there are other "classic" mods made in progress ;)

gruss, -=[MAD]=-
neuestes Projekt: Ja2 - Fight For Freedom <-- Neuigkeiten!

Fundgrube für Ja2-Files: http://www.hoenir.de/ja2/

Der Schakal
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Beitrag von Der Schakal » 09 Nov 2005, 22:51

@ killerfaultier
do it yourself
Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen.

Schrecken der Tyrannen
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Beitrag von Nitrat » 09 Nov 2005, 22:59

i wish here good conversation and no spam @Schakal
try to hold your finger far away of your keybord
oder wie es unser Herr Nuhn zu sagen pflegt: "Wenn man keine Ahnung hat..... !"


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Beitrag von morki » 09 Nov 2005, 23:10

... sollte man vorher lieber im Internet nachschauen, ob es der "Herr Nuhn mit dem Huhn" oder doch der Herr Nuhr war :khelle:

Nebenbei: Wenn die Bugs mit dem Luftangriff raus sind und dieser XML-Editor gut funktioniert, bin ich schon zufrieden.

edit: ja sorry für mein flülichtsfehler :k:
coffee grinder

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Beitrag von KillerFaultier » 09 Nov 2005, 23:16

all i want for my humble self is a stable and playable 1.13 version (with higher resolutions please!) and maybe some new maps from a good mod, not always the same boring JA2 ones. i know they exist, i know some are already working on it.
just for the time when i will again have some spare time to play and get enough sleep. maybe around christmas or so, when the days are short an cold and the nights dark and long!

i am not pushing anybody nor do i criticise anyone involving in the project or mods.
i am also not crying for the stuff like a junkie for the next shot.
its all just for fun and nobody has to account to anybody for anything!

i will do my part when i have time for it again. for now, lets just all be friends and tremble in anticipation for the things to come!
das KillerFaultier - tödlichstes nicht-raubtier von allen! :hackman:

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Beitrag von Faramir » 10 Nov 2005, 19:04

Hoi Kaiden,

I found another bug. Maybe it is allready mentioned but I haven't found it this thread, yet. If I try to move a squad with a number higher than 2, the game crashes constantly to the desktop. If you need a savegame, I can send you one - I just would need an address.

So ka, Faramir
Due Cose belle ha il monde - Amore et Morte

Sic vis pacem, para bellum

[x] Dieser User unterzeichnet eine Petition zur unbedingten Weiterentwicklung vom JA3 Produkt

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Beitrag von smilingassassin » 10 Nov 2005, 19:33

'-=[MAD hat geschrieben:=-']in german: Glaubst du nicht, dass die leute im Moment nicht genug zu tun haben? Es wär völlig sinnlos, das vorhandene potential mit einem weiteren projekt zu belasten
[der text in deutsch soll nur gewährleisten, dass ihr mich auch richtig versteht, ich weiss ja nicht ob das lesbar ist was ich da oben geschrieben hab :red: ]

gruss, -=[MAD]=-
im BP arbeitet jemand an ner conversion für UC auf die 1.13 engine. Das ist aber jemand, der nciht schon mitglied des 1.13 modmaker teams ist

das macht ME Sinn, da nach dem nächsten release eh sehr lange (evtl. überhaupt) nicht mehr viel um 1.13 geschehen wird

um ehrlich zu sein, was 1.13 fehlen sind (fürs gameplay erst mal) maps! schaun wir mal, wie das mit dem neuen editor und so aussieht, partiell kann man auch da ne conversion machen, da die ja2 vengeance maps sich nur teilwesie mit der original ja2 story beissen

deswegen ist KFT`s vorschlag ein sehr guter vorschlag, kein grund ihn auch dann zu flamen, wenn er mal was schlaues von sich gibt


schreibt doch bitte das, was nicht an Kaiden gerichtet ist in deutsch, sonst wird man (@KFT) blöd angeflamed weil ne idee, die die 1.13 crew niemals umsetzen würde, als konkreter request angesehen wird
Tu es purgamentum terrae

Bei Tony Rumsteher
Beiträge: 56
Registriert: 12 Okt 2005, 00:42

Beitrag von Kaiden » 10 Nov 2005, 21:29

New release is now available. The Editor will be uploaded tonight. Snap's UB Tileset add-on pack is also available now.

Please read the installation instructions for this release before downloading and attempting to install.

They are in English so if someone here could translate, that would be most helpful. Or Realist, when you've released the German build, maybe you could translate it.

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Beitrag von KillerFaultier » 10 Nov 2005, 21:29

kein grund ihn auch dann zu flamen, wenn er mal was schlaues von sich gibt

ey, willst du damit etwa implizieren ich würde hier nur unsinn vor mich hinbrabbeln? :stress:

aber was habe ich da gerade auf der 1.13 downloadpage gesehen? ist da etwa wirklich ein neues release draußen, vom 11/08/05?

huch, entschuldigt mich, ich muss gerade mal was saugen gehen.... :D
das KillerFaultier - tödlichstes nicht-raubtier von allen! :hackman:

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Beitrag von morki » 10 Nov 2005, 22:25

Neues Release raus?
Gut, dann geht das A-Team direkt nach Meduna und nicht über Los und zieht auch keine 4.000 A$ ein. Die 40 Mörsergranaten-Direktlieferung von BR nach Meduna muss ja auch ihre Anwendung finden :evil:
coffee grinder

Tessa Avanti
Beiträge: 156
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Beitrag von Tessa Avanti » 10 Nov 2005, 22:54

Wo finde ich das neue Relaise? Auf der Basis habe ich unter "Mods" nichts gefunden.
Zwar weiß ich viel, doch möcht' ich alles wissen. Goethe, Faust
Ja, ich mag Goethe. Am liebsten ist mir sein Werk "Schillers Glocke" ...

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Beitrag von taxacaria » 10 Nov 2005, 23:01

gibts hier:
JA2-1.13 mods
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Tessa Avanti
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Beitrag von Tessa Avanti » 10 Nov 2005, 23:42

danke, bin grad am saugen (seit gestern DSL wuuuusch):D
Zwar weiß ich viel, doch möcht' ich alles wissen. Goethe, Faust
Ja, ich mag Goethe. Am liebsten ist mir sein Werk "Schillers Glocke" ...

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Beitrag von Realist » 11 Nov 2005, 07:05

Finally, a new release, thanks! :clap:
Kaiden hat geschrieben:They are in English so if someone here could translate, that would be most helpful. Or Realist, when you've released the German build, maybe you could translate it.
Ok, no problem at all. :)
(Fortunately, I'm even better at translating English into German than the other way around. :D )

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Beitrag von Faramir » 11 Nov 2005, 11:04

Hoi Chummers,

gesaugt habe ich jetzt alle files. Hat schon mal jemand probiert das Spiel zu installieren? Kann ich es ohne weiteres über eine alte JA2 1.13 Version drüber installieren oder muß ich noch mal ein neues JA2 installieren? Wie funktioniert das mit den verschiedenen Installationsmodi? Imho gibt es keine options.ini mehr wie im Vorgänger.

So ka, Faramir
Due Cose belle ha il monde - Amore et Morte

Sic vis pacem, para bellum

[x] Dieser User unterzeichnet eine Petition zur unbedingten Weiterentwicklung vom JA3 Produkt

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Beitrag von Spectre » 11 Nov 2005, 12:30

@ Faramir:
Keine Ahnung, von was der da redet. Ich verstehe zwar, was er sagt, aber nicht wirklich, was er damit meint. Hab alles drüberinstalliert und finish.

Wer ein neues Game anfängt, sollte AirRaid auf OFF lassen!
Das scheint komplett verkäfert zu sein.
Cya: The Spectre

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Beitrag von Faramir » 11 Nov 2005, 12:40

Hoi Chummers,

ich habe den Patch jetzt auch erstmal drüber installiert und habe mir dann die veränderten Daten angeschaut. Die JA2.ini im JA2 Rootverzeichnis wurde in soweit verändert, das dem Spiel gesagt wird, das sich die Spielrelevanten Daten im Ordner Data-1.13 befinden. Wer v1.12 spielen möchte muß imho in JA2.ini das Verzeichnis in "Data" umwandeln.

So ka, Faramir
Due Cose belle ha il monde - Amore et Morte

Sic vis pacem, para bellum

[x] Dieser User unterzeichnet eine Petition zur unbedingten Weiterentwicklung vom JA3 Produkt

Besucht die Homepage des einzig wahren, genialen Rollenspiels KEAS

Bei Tony Rumsteher
Beiträge: 56
Registriert: 12 Okt 2005, 00:42

Beitrag von Kaiden » 11 Nov 2005, 15:14


Sie müssen die Linie löschen, sie nicht zu ändern.

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Beitrag von Realist » 11 Nov 2005, 16:13

Das heißt, du musst die Zeile komplett rauslöschen, anstatt sie in irgendeiner Form zu ändern.

I've just translated the installation instructions. :)

I attach a zip file containing the html file I decided to make in case you're going to put it on the 1.13's page as well. Maybe those letters such as "ä", "ö", "ü", "ß" have to be converted in the correct html-code, but I was too lazy to do that myself. :D

Ah, and don't wonder about the last few paragraphs I've added - they contain some information on how to apply the German patch which I'm going to make this weekend.
(3.74 KiB) 504-mal heruntergeladen

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Beitrag von taxacaria » 11 Nov 2005, 17:19

Realist hat geschrieben:... the German patch which I'm going to make this weekend.
*Anerkennung* :k:
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Beitrag von Realist » 11 Nov 2005, 17:42


The only problem seems to be that the sourcecode isn't up yet, is it? :confused:

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Beitrag von commandant » 11 Nov 2005, 18:07

Jetzt auch schon Tomaten auf den Augen?
Willst du einen extra Screenshot, oder glaubst du es mir auch so, dass auf Nitrats Homepage der aktuelle Source verfügbar ist:


Source code (not necessary to play the game):
File Size Last update Description

ja2_1.13_source.zip 4.3 Mb 11/08/05 C++ source code

Bei Tony Rumsteher
Beiträge: 56
Registriert: 12 Okt 2005, 00:42

Beitrag von Kaiden » 11 Nov 2005, 18:22

Fixed, it was there, but the filename was slightly off.

Snap and I both attempted to fix this at the exact same time yesterday and our fixes contradicted each other, and therefore it did not get fixed.

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Beitrag von KillerFaultier » 12 Nov 2005, 18:27

Kaiden hat geschrieben:Fixed, it was there, but the filename was slightly off.

Snap and I both attempted to fix this at the exact same time yesterday and our fixes contradicted each other, and therefore it did not get fixed.

heh, clear case of overfixing! :k:

the part with the separate installdir for 1.13 files is quite a big step! it means, that every mod can now easily have its own directory within the installation, now doesn´t it?
all needed now is a simple way (option,programm) to switch and administrate the different mods and installations.
btw, do i get it right if this opens up the possibility to also make an multilingual JA2 installation? if so, i would appreciate a tutorial on how to do that.

one more time: respect to the 1.13 team! :k: :clap: :erdbeerteechug: :hail:

looks like you guys saved christmas! :glühweinchug:
das KillerFaultier - tödlichstes nicht-raubtier von allen! :hackman:

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Beitrag von w0dka » 12 Nov 2005, 19:26

Perfect! really hard to play on Insane... probaly the best KI i ever seen.... my old tactics didn't work that good^^
but there i a little Problem... i cant recruit Mercs on A I M Website because i cant press any "links" there.... maybe because i use german Ja2? now its mixed languages^^
(sorry...but my english isn't that good)

ALso ich muss sagen, für mich als Puristen, der anderen Mods nicht traut ist das der Mod schlechthin.... geile KI.... gute Waffen... einfach alles verbessert...jetzt noch fahrbare Panzer und alles is perfekt...
nur leider lassen sich keine Söldner rekrutieren bei AIM.... sehr schlecht da ich auf Insane spiel.... alleine gegen 15 Mann Patroullien...argh.... Ammo alle

Tessa Avanti
Beiträge: 156
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Beitrag von Tessa Avanti » 12 Nov 2005, 20:00

KillerFaultier hat geschrieben:one more time: respect to the 1.13 team! :k: :clap: :erdbeerteechug: :hail:
looks like you guys saved christmas! :glühweinchug:
Ich schließe mich den Lobeshymnen an. 1.13 ist wirklich ein verdammt gutes Mod! Wenn ihr so weitermacht bin bin bereit, für die fertige Version das selbe zu bezahlen wie für WF 6.0!

*i try to translate* It is a damned good Mod, very good work, 1.13 Team!
I certainly will pay for the finish version! *sorry, i never have learned english by teacher*
Zwar weiß ich viel, doch möcht' ich alles wissen. Goethe, Faust
Ja, ich mag Goethe. Am liebsten ist mir sein Werk "Schillers Glocke" ...

Bei Tony Rumsteher
Beiträge: 56
Registriert: 12 Okt 2005, 00:42

Beitrag von Kaiden » 12 Nov 2005, 23:54

@KillerFaultier, Unfortunately, no. However, it is a HUGE step in the right direction. But it might cut down on Realist's work. He'll have to convert this mod, but afterwards, as long as we don't change anything in the \Data folder, he will only have to provide a new executable and anything that we change in the \1.13-data folder.

Also, the Map Editor will be kept current with the release version, this means that there be a "legit" German Map Editor as well. (Not that there is anything wrong with the german Beta Editor, it just would not support new features).

@w0dka, Yes, you'll have to wait for Realist to release the German version in order for everything to work correctly.

@Tessa Avanti, Thank you, but that would be illegal, unless someone at StrategyFirst decided our work was good enough for commercial release, in which case, we may or may not get royalties.

Also, there may never be a finished version, but I will say, that the next version I spend any decent amount of time on, will be a more stable version, with fewer bugs.

One last note, the folks over at TBS games seem to mostly be playing the 9-23 release because it seems to be by-far the most stable. I'd like to thank all of you for playtesting the 10-07 release and now the 11-08 release, otherwise I would have a much lesser chance of fixing the bugs for the next version. It's much more difficult to fix bugs without having a savegame where they are reproducable, and if no one played 10-07 I would have no save-games :( 10-07 release brought more bugs to light (even ones that have been in the game forever) than any previous version, this will make them much easier to find and fix.

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Beitrag von Spectre » 13 Nov 2005, 18:24

Report on new 1.13 version (bugsaves will follow):

Seems stable to me. Except: air raid. There are so many bugs... turn it off!

1. Couses a lot of crashes (CTD).

2. That's not an air-raid, that's artillery fire! There must be a bunch of nOObs with maby 2-3 180mm selfpropelled howizers somewhere nearby. This weirdos are shelling the whole sector like mad, cousing lotsof friendly fire and dead grass.

3. Although they miss for like 500m in round mode, the shelling seems to follow your men in realtime mode. Booom after booom - no enemy can see your men but the hailstorm continues toward your position. Something like the "I-see-it-all-sniper-bug"?

4. All lights go down after impact. Even if you stand nose tho nose to an enemy (knife attack) - you can't see him anymore after a shell went down. Every target vanishes, until you move one of your mercs.

The only real bug i've encountered outside air raid is a "can't hit" bug. Now not only roof/ground, but also ground/ground. Invisible obstacles seem to catch the bullets right out of the air.
Cya: The Spectre

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Beitrag von Realist » 13 Nov 2005, 21:31

Kurze Mitteilung:
Alle die, die den deutsch-Patch erwarten, müssen sich leider noch gedulden, da ich es dieses Wochenende nicht geschafft habe, diesen fertig zu stellen.
Ich gedenke jedoch, ihn im Laufe der kommenden Woche zur Verfügung stellen zu können.
Grund dafür ist zum einen ein Zeitmangel, zum anderen ein paar Schwierigkeiten mit dem Sourcecode.

Would it make sense if there were individual savegame folders since there are custom data folders now? That means every custom data set brings its own directory for saving games in. This is just a thing that came to my mind a minute ago and I'm curious about what people will think about it.

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Registriert: 11 Nov 2005, 14:00

Beitrag von w0dka » 14 Nov 2005, 10:50

Schade...aber trotzdem...lass dir lieber Zeit...gut Ding will Weile haben... *schhinsetzundMonsterköniginnengeleeeintopfess*

Funktioniert dann aber auch mit höherer Auflösung oder? daher diesem Patch von Bears Pit

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Beitrag von commandant » 14 Nov 2005, 13:43

Wouldn't be bad. So you've got enough place for savegames, if you're playing different mods at one moment.

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Beitrag von taxacaria » 14 Nov 2005, 15:04

Sounds like a good idea to prevent confusion between savegames of different customized settings.
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Beitrag von Sharpshooter » 14 Nov 2005, 16:36

sers. ein paar fragen, da ich den mod 1.13 leider noch nicht selbst ausprobieren konnte. irgendwie funzt das mit meiner deutschen ja2-version nicht wirklich.

ist es da endlich mal möglich nicht nur im stehen ne handgranate zu werfen? das hat mich manchmal ganz schön genervt, dass man immer aufstehen mußte. hat mir desöfteren den kopf gekostet. außerdem ist es absolut unrealistisch. im knien sollte man zumindest werfen können. mit verkürzter reichweite logischerweise. noch besser wäre auch noch im liegen (mit noch mehr verkürzter reichweite), aber mit knien wäre ich vorerst zufrieden.

hab gelesen, dass demnächst realist ne deutsche exe entwirft. dann sollte es ja auch bei mir klappen. weiß jemand, ob da schon die neue auflösung 1024x... enthalten ist?

und noch ne allgemeine frage zum 1.13. ist dort irgendwas an den karten und quests geändert worden oder sind das die gleichen sektoren, wie im originalen ja2 (also landschafts- und gebäudemäßig mein ich)?

danke im voraus

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Beitrag von Spectre » 14 Nov 2005, 16:53

Werfen geht afaik nach wie vor nur im stehen und die Karten sind identisch zu Vanilla JA2.
Cya: The Spectre

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Beitrag von smilingassassin » 14 Nov 2005, 22:46

im moment sind sie das noch

die AI und der schwierigkeitslevel insane haben beide jeweils so ihre macken wegen der vanilla ja2 karten

bald soll ein map editor rauskommen. Ausserdem kann man neue Tilesets hinzufügen und damit neue Karten basteln. Ich persönlich zock 1.13 mit den Karen von ja2 vengeance

natürlich hat auch da die AI so ihre schwierigkeiten, aber ich kann das ja in den karten etwas eindämmen

was das granaten werfen betrifft: wirst du da wirklich unterbrochen? ich dachte, der Bug wäre noch drin, dass man beim granatenwerfen nicht unterbrochen wird...

naja, dann nimm mal (in 1.13) den MGL um granaten zu verteilen

btw will niemand sharpshooter das hwigFvw und die Kekse anbieten?

Bei Tony Rumsteher
Beiträge: 56
Registriert: 12 Okt 2005, 00:42

Beitrag von Kaiden » 15 Nov 2005, 02:27

@Spectre, send me any savegames you have for either of those issues (some people want air raids, it is optional, my problem last version, was that air raid bugs were causing crashes even if it was turned off)...

@Realist, sorry about the source code issues, hope all is available now, make sure you have the latest (with Snap's new files that he posted in that thread I sent you to).

Also, I didn't even think about savegames, but has already been suggested on all 3 forums I visit, so I made a note of it. Should not be too difficult.

@Sharpshooter, 1024 resolution is not supported yet, it is however in the works. Also, throwing while prone or crouched is on the list. At this point, it will be a while. Before I add any more "Features" I would like to concentrate on giving the modder's something to work with. That means getting the Editor working with the new code (having some problems right now) and externalizing things like Sector Data.

Also just a note about a bug...

One (or more) of the personalities or attitudes will cause the game to crash when you hit the DONE button. My advice, is save before you create your IMP, and try it again if you crash, or use the INI file to select your own personality. OR just set it to Normal/Normal in the INI file, as that is the way it was before this version.

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Beitrag von Spectre » 15 Nov 2005, 10:24

@ Kaiden
I will see what i can find in case of "air-raid-bug-saves". The stupid thing is: i did not keep them after i saw how massive the bugs were. Lazy me thought, this will be rewritten anyway.
You should be drowning in air raid saves by now. I can't be the only one encountering this problems and since ppl *want* this air-raid...

Btw: check the given target for the air-raid. It seems to me like the enemy has some suicidal tendencies. I had only 2-3 raids until i've descided to turn it off, but 5 of 10 impacts were friendly fire ...sometimes *far* away from my men, but straight down on the enemy.

However, five more regular bug-saves (air-raid off) are en route now.
Cya: The Spectre

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Registriert: 03 Mär 2000, 21:35

Beitrag von Spectre » 15 Nov 2005, 16:39

Some thoughts:

There has never been a war like this in the history of mankind. Nothing this cruel - not even close. I have seen 98% cassulties - counted for both sides in the same battle (30 enemies, 20 militias and 1 merc, the only survivor).

Why do i have to kill them all? Everyone seems to fight down to the last man.

On the other hand is the fact of a rather lazy war. Maby 2 attacks per day throughout Arulco...
If they could surrender, then the rate of attacks could be increased to make up for the lost exp (If i do not accept the surrender, then the loyalty goes down rapidly).
Cya: The Spectre

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Beitrag von smilingassassin » 15 Nov 2005, 17:37

good idea

if you (and your militia) outnumber the enemy by a certain value (which shoudl be externalized of course) you ge a chance of enemies surrendering. (similar to the enemiy`s possibility of asking you to surrender) That would also award players for hiring more mercs

Gorro der Grüne
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Beitrag von Gorro der Grüne » 15 Nov 2005, 17:55

But what if I do NOT want to make any prisoners?

In RL the ordinary population does not like to have POWs around which have to be guarded and fed.

And could, if escaped, tell the goverment where more of them are under custody so that the supressor has certain possibilities:

- Air bombardment to wipe out the traitors wo surrendered as well as this revolutionary lot

- Send in troops which will normally not give a damn on collateral damages

- Send in some 'Todesschwadronen' (don't know the English term) which will kill all men and rape all women.

- Gas the whole lot (Hello Sadam)

The ordinary South American man prefers the enemy dead (therefore a drop of loyality for not accepting surrender is nuts)

If You've got POWs I'ld expect a loyality drop in any city the POWs are close to. The closer the bigger the drop.

If POWs are in / near a city I expect a boost of loyality if the POWs a marched away and an even bigger boost if they are shot.

On any hand you need extra militia to imprison the POWs (for instands in Bushameo Bay [off shore] or Tixa).
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ehrwürdiges Kalkodil im RdgE

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Beitrag von taxacaria » 15 Nov 2005, 18:06

Switching to autofight causes nearly the same results and even generates experience without any software changes.
btw - how do you want to handle the prisoners of war?

I don´t like pows, too.
imo JA is not a kidnapping or discussion game. Kill them all!
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Beitrag von smilingassassin » 15 Nov 2005, 18:25

arulco`s army aren`t fanatics

they`re untrained young soldiers who`d happily go back to their families instead of fighting losing battles. maybe have them run away/ retreat (no POW`s necessary) and leave some of their equipment in order to run faster once they`re facing an obvious defeat
maybe they even join the militia (civil wars are an ugly business)

Gorro der Grüne
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Beitrag von Gorro der Grüne » 15 Nov 2005, 18:44

smilingassassin hat geschrieben:arulco`s army aren`t fanatics

they`re untrained young soldiers who`d happily go back to their families instead of fighting losing battles.
Then the soldiers should be normal south American men (sorry no women then).
With an 'intermediate' coulered skin instead of pinkish redheads and blondes.
Looks more like mercenaries fron Belorus than the Arulcan bread.

Its a long way to Ti... äh Minsk.

As a man from Switzerland you should know that most of your mercenaries in forreign countries are Fanatics and Fundementalists (!! Schweizergarde !!). They will fight. :D
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Beitrag von Spectre » 15 Nov 2005, 18:51

Gorro der Grüne hat geschrieben:But what if I do NOT want to make any prisoners?
What if you want to shoot militias: you can- but have to deal with the consequences.

The ordinary South American man may want to see all hes enemies dead, but maby that's why South America is stil South America. But you fight "evil", that makes you the good one. The peoples must think there is something better to come than just DeidrannaV2 if you should win this war. The whole war is about this theme and that's why you are there in the first place.
I am sure, Miguel wouldn't harm any POW.
Cya: The Spectre

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Beitrag von taxacaria » 15 Nov 2005, 18:52

Deidrannas soldiers are heavily motivated : They are fighting to save the life of their children.
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Beitrag von Spectre » 15 Nov 2005, 19:01

taxacaria hat geschrieben:Deidrannas soldiers are heavily motivated : They are fighting to save the life of their children.
Well, that would never work. Dictators without the willingly support of their army are soooo bloody dead dictators.
Cya: The Spectre

Gorro der Grüne
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Beitrag von Gorro der Grüne » 15 Nov 2005, 19:06

Spectre hat geschrieben: Miguel wouldn't harm any POW.
Therefore skilled commanders will use Miquel as a DrillSergeant (militia) and Grunty as a grunt.
Spectre hat geschrieben:Well, that would never work. Dictators without the willingly [given] support of their army are soooo bloody dead dictators.
But Deidrana is supported by her troops. She pays all this Beloruss and Swiss mercenaries.

They will not go home.
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ehrwürdiges Kalkodil im RdgE

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Beitrag von smilingassassin » 15 Nov 2005, 19:25

mercenaries are rarely fanatics. The swiss mercenaries back in the days had no choice other than fighting

and the "belarus" mercanery called "iggy" is the first to switch sides, as well as Conrad

the arulcan seargent in alma also surrenders and even offers a rocket rifle. So if you were a bit more familiar with ja2`s gameworld you would know that only the force holding together the troops is terror from deidranna

we know from reality that this has never stopped people from deserting from armies

and according to ja2 storyline, arulcan army is mainly made up from arulcan conscripts, hardly trained and badly equpped and motivated

they will RUN home as fast as they can if they ever get a chance
