Ideas for new utilities?

Von Fragen zum Editor über die Landschaftsgestaltung und das Einfügen komplexer Mechanismen, RPCs oder Ähnlichem bis zur kompletten Projektplanung ist hier alles willkommen, was mit der Veränderung von Ja 2 und UB zu tun hat...

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Ideas for new utilities?

Beitrag von Darksidesoft » 10 Mai 2004, 14:23

I was thinking that here should be the suggestions for utilities that people need(the ones which have something to do with JAs)
I have two ideas:

1. It would be good to have a software that packs maps to a .slf
2. Another nice thing would be to have a software, that creates locks(and maybe even keys) to the maps.

It would be great that someone then, could maybe take one of the suggestions as a project and we all would have those JA utility programs we need.

P.S. I'm sorry that I haven't put this on german, but deutsche isn't one of my best languages.

Schrecken der Tyrannen
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Registriert: 24 Jul 2000, 11:00

Beitrag von Nitrat » 10 Mai 2004, 18:41


1. why, you can put the new files in a correct name folder in the DATA folder

2. you can use the Beta Editor for that ones


Beiträge: 1748
Registriert: 13 Jan 2003, 13:54

Beitrag von CrazyCat » 17 Mai 2004, 20:42

What about a new weapon editor?

If it's really possible to add guns to JA2 (see JA2.exe research tread) we could need a upgrade for the weapon editor.

I think the old editor won't work with a modified exe-file.

Mysterious Dr.X
Beiträge: 575
Registriert: 14 Mär 2003, 21:32

Beitrag von Mysterious Dr.X » 18 Mai 2004, 13:21

Howdy Rowdies!

No weapon editor will work with an edited exe, because the whole offsets change extremely. Also the exe get's bigger and so on. I allready opened a thread about adding new items. I described some problems but noone could or wanted to help me. But imho a new weapon editor isn't necessary. If I handle it to add new weapons, new ammos, new sounds... in the source, I'll write a detailed tutorial about that. But first I have to solve the problems by my self.


PS: Don't make suggestions . . . sit on your butt and start to mod!
:summer: "I believe in the golden rule. The man with the gold . . . rules!" - Mr.T :summer:
[Tutorial zum Waffenbilder und -werte ändern]
